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Henan Huaxing Poultry Equipments Co.,Ltd. 86--15237110459
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Installing chicken projects in Angola

December 17, 2021

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Henan Huaxing's cages and equipments are installing now in Angola. This customer's projects are 5 buildings, each building capacity is 50,880 layer chickens, totally 254,400 layers in 5 buildings.

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Why more and more investers choose cages with full sets automatic systems for rearing chickens now? Because it has the following advantages:

1. It is easier to care for the pullets; no birds are underfoot.

2. Floor eggs are eliminated.
3. Eggs are cleaner.
4. Culling is expedited.
5. In most instances, less feed is required to produce a dozen eggs.
6. Broodiness is eliminated.
7. More pullets may be housed in a given house floor space.
8. Internal parasites are eliminated.
9. Labor requirements are generally much reduced.

Battery cages with automatic systems are the popular trend in poultry feeding industry, if you are interested in it, please contcat us for more details.

Henan Huaxing Poultry Equipments Co., Ltd, we will provide best service for you.