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Are you planning to start your own poultry farm?

June 3, 2020

Are you planning to start your own poultry farm? If so, then you should enter the business well prepared by considering all of its aspects. Right from setting up some basic equipment to raising the birds and marketing your business, you have to take every step wisely. Do not forget that there are many other poultry businesses. You will be competing with them.

However, if you conduct your business carefully, chances are that it will grow fast. The demand for poultry products is increasing by each day. So, there is a lot of scope for fast growth of your poultry farm despite a tough competition provided you follow some basics of the business. Your return on investment will be quick.

Wondering how to start a chicken farm? Here are some awesome guidelines for you. Follow these rules for a successful poultry business.

Choose Your Poultry Sector
Poultry farming is a wide industry. Basically, there are two types of the farming you can choose from – broilers and layers. Broilers are chicken that you raise for meat. Layers are chicken that you raise for eggs. Then, there is the business of incubating eggs and raising chicks.

Usually chicken farming business operates in multiple sectors. So, decide if you want to operate in all sectors or you want to restrict your business to just one or two sectors of your choice specially in the beginning.
Following are the niches you can choose from.

Meat production (Broilers breeding)
Egg production (Layers breeding)
Poultry feed production
Chicken breeding (Hatchery)
Egg and meat processing